My mission is to help people be their best version!

I am here to assist you in finding the power to overcome present predicaments and develop with purpose and clarity.

Slide My mission is to help people be their best version I am here to assist you in finding the power to overcome present predicaments and develop with purpose and clarity. Psychotherapy Coaching

If you need a change in your life, discover your true self!

I create a safe and comfortable space in which you can truly discover your real self, and make use of all your resources to become a better person, to enjoy a more flourishing life.
A few words about me

Professional experience

I have achieved various experiences, both theoretical, through specialized trainings, and by working directly with people. I managed to mix practice and theory, so that in working with me you can rely on my trained intuition, but also on solid knowledge.

I can say that I am still learning, from each experience with my clients and from the new research in the field, because I want to be an informed specialist and to have as many tools as possible.


If you need a change in your life, discover your true self!

Schedule a first meeting by phone or tell me about your situation in a few words in the form below and I will get back to you as soon as possible by email or phone.

+40 740 777 070



If you need a change in your life, discover your true self!

Schedule a first meeting by phone or tell me about your situation in a few words in the form below and I will get back to you as soon as possible by email or phone.

+40 740 777 070


Contact form

Briefly describe the problem you are facing right now or state the goal you would like to reach with the help of a psychotherapist or coach.